Graduation Requirements


The minimum number of credits needed for graduation from the department is 128, including

‧ 72 required credits from either the physics track or the optoelectronic track

‧ 12 credits from general education (humanities and fine arts: 4 credits, natural sciences and technology 4 credits, social sciences 4 credits)

‧ 44 credits (minimum) from the elected courses in the Department of Physics

‧ 8 credits (minimum) from electives throughout the university at the student’s discretion


The minimum number of credits needed for graduation from the graduate program is 30, including 6 credits for thesis writing.

Objectives of Curriculum Design

The collective mandatory courses are designed to cultivate students’ fundamental knowledge on physics theory and experiment and to equip students with the ability to read scientific journals and give oral presentations. Specialized courses in the physics track focus on dynamics and statistics, while the optoelectronic track on optics and electronics. By taking both collective mandatory courses and specialized courses, undergraduate students can develop a comprehensive knowledge of physics. Other mandatory courses are designed to promote cultivate various abilities students will need after graduation.

Curriculum Design

‧ General Education: it is composed of four fields, including humanities and fine arts, natural sciences and technology, social sciences and physical education

‧ Professional Training: professors offer the fundamentals on Physics

‧ Main Subjects:

    Freshman – Calculus, Physics and Chemistry

    Sophomore – Electromagnetics, Theoretical Mechanics and Mathematics

    Junior – Optoelectronics, Statistical Thermodynamics and Quantum Mechanics

    Senior – required: seminar; elective: Quantum Mechanics, Solid Physics, Statistical Mechanics and Quantum Electrodynamics

‧ Experiment: it is offered in the freshman and sophomore year, featuring Physics, Electromagnetics, Thermodynamics, Optoelectronics and Quantum Physics

‧ Individual Studies: Student can begin individual studies to conduct experiments with the guidance of professors

Study Plan

Study plan of Opto-Electronic Physics Section (110~112)

Study plan of Physics Section (110~112)

Study plan of Opto-Electronic Physics Section (113)

Study plan of Electrophysics Section (113)

Study plan of Master (111~)